Explosion of Kashmiri Restaurants

“But where’s the dal?” wail a distressingly high proportion of customers to Tarami in Delhi’s Hauz Khas Village. Tarami is one of the many new Kashmiri restaurants that have cropped up in the capital in the last six months. And though there are a modest number of takers for Kashmiri cuisine, first-timers expect it to…

Haakh or Collard Greens

No two more dissimilar cuisines could be found than Portuguese and Kashmiri, yet they have a common link: haakh. Known as collard greens, this member of the vast brassica family has a distinct personality and an even more pronounced taste, with its trademark crinkly blue-green leaves along a central stem. Collard greens, along with its close…

City of the Arts and Sciences: Valencia

My journey from freezing Madrid, where the weather forecast kept predicting snow, to warm, sunny Valencia took exactly two hours, but it was like going to another country altogether. The skies in Valencia resolutely remained fiercely blue, orange trees lined every street; one end of the city was bound by a beach, along which ran…

Guns in the Garden of the Sufis

The middle-aged gentleman in the seat next to me on the plane to Srinagar was waxing eloquent about a single line in a song in Mission Kashmir. “Do you know,” he boomed in a voice that easily outdid the roar of the aircraft we were in, “that rind poshmal gindini drai lo lo is taken…

Roll Maal

It’s tiny and the decor is non-existent by South Delhi standards. But the food - you’ll be craving for more of these chatpata tastes of the street. Cuisine: Indian street food Good, tasty food in Spartan surroundings that will take you back to your college days Atmospherics: Forget about first dates or impressing the boss.…

The Ghosts who Walk Kashmir

If there are any ghosts wandering around Srinagar City, they’re probably discomfited by how much the city has changed since they passed on. They probably cannot recognize it as the place in which they lived half a century ago. Not because of the pace of life, to be sure, but because of the skewed ratio…

Lesser Known Spots of Kashmir

Every destination acquires its own tourist treadmill and Kashmir is no different. Touristic clichés are a wonderful thing in most cases: when you are pressed for time, a quick drive through all of them, and you can safely tick the boxes. While it would be rather eccentric to miss out on quintessential Kashmir via Mughal…

Casablanca meets Gurgaon

It’s a full-time job keeping up with the restaurant scene in the capital. No sooner than Afghan food begin to take root, when the cuisine of Manipur and Nagaland become popular in another part of the city. Perhaps one day there will be at least one restaurant for Russian, Peruvian and Nigerian food, but right…


Chicken Peri Peri meets Kukkad, Tandoor da in a burst of genius The long lines and thronging crowds at this outlet are a reality, but at the end of it, there’s some seriously good, spicy, succulent chicken with a tang. Even tandoori chicken is not this good! Atmospherics: Forget about the rather insipid interiors done…