
If ever a restaurant gave off mixed signals, it would have to be Ananda’s in Sunder Nagar. Reportedly set up by one of the partners in Nathu’s Sweets on the ground floor, it could have easily been a less than classy venture by a halwai. One look at the menu, though, and you’ll change your…


Even if you are never going to visit Chalchitra, take time off to check out its superb retro façade from the outside. Wait for the sun to set, and look at the lights as they twinkle. Everything – the lettering, the colours and the movement of the lights – call to mind the 1960s. As…

Chateau de Pondichery

A piece of the French colony in our midst Serves: Tamil and French Atmospherics: On the main Aurobindo Road, down a little cul de sac, opposite the Hero Honda showroom, you step into another world: a spacious, two roomed place, where you’ll be transported to a world away from the snarling traffic of Delhi, into…

Ikk Punjab

History lesson, living museum and restaurant rolled into one Serves the food of Undivided Panjab Atmospherics: One of the more seasoned restaurateurs of West Delhi, Rajan Sethi took several years to piece together the trimmings of Ikk Panjab. The unusual spelling is because his research showed him that the state was always spelled with an…